Monday 10 December 2012

Presentation Review

Overall I think that the presentation went well, having spoken to some of the audience they found it engaging and interesting. One of the areas I think that could have been improved was the amount of information in the presentation, when planning I was aware of the time constraints and as such I made sure focus on primarily portraying the key points. However in hindsight I didn’t use all of the time and could have added more information and areas of focus.

One comment I received was that I ‘lost one of the audience from the start’ so I clearly needed to make the presentation easier to follow. I thought that using the same format as my report would make it clear, and easy to follow for an audience. However I didn’t take into account those who may not have an interest in football, and as such didn’t have the knowledge that I may have assumed when testing my presentation on others. This meant that some of the audience may have lack interest and understanding, and if I could do the presentation again I would have spent more time going through my findings in a more easily understandable way. 

However one of the big positives of the presentation was my ability to answer the audiences’ questions. I think I was able to answer the audiences’ questions with clarity, and had the ability to draw on figures that I wasn’t able to add into my presentation due to the time constraints. This went some way to compensate for the lack of understanding when I presented, but also shows that it may have beneficial to include them in the original presenatation.