Tuesday 28 August 2012

Researching Test Clubs

As previously stated I am using two test clubs in my project to give a more real life example of how the introduction of the Premier League has affected different clubs, the two chosen were Arsenal FC and Nottingham Forest FC as they were both in relatively the same position at the start of the Premier League.

The main sources I used for this part of my research were financial statements from the respective clubs. These offer me very in depth statistics in a way that most other sources can't, however the two clubs were only floated on the stock market in 1995 and 97 respectively meaning that they haven't publicly published their financial results before that point. This means that financial data before is difficult to get hold of and use for my data and graphs.

I hope to solve this problem by directly contacting the clubs asking for specific data. Having done so, David Miles (Arsenal General Secretary) has offered me access to Arsenal financial data for the last 5 decades when I go in for an interview with him. I am still waiting for a reply from Nottingham Forest.

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